the why ?'
is an ally on the properties desktop commands
thru ownership for anghelhds gods jedi
when the file below is workinhg thru 1 ofhw you guhys Arkanna
please send the workinhg produt bach tooh me and ill place it as the site main gun
is an ally on the properties desktop commands
thru ownership for anghelhds gods jedi
when the file below is workinhg thru 1 ofhw you guhys Arkanna
please send the workinhg produt bach tooh me and ill place it as the site main gun
formula__6__-_copy.bas |
HaYhE NeO ' Th#e CaTcH Is YoU MuSt ObSeRvE ReAtItY MyNdE InSuTe StArInHg WhIlE SoFtEr WoMeN RoMaNtCiHkLyIhlCyIuO A;n:d GlAdLy SeRvE A I Am FeE`MaLE.It Is A CoNtStAnT TrIp WhEn Ur UsInHg TH#e@eE1e! DaTaJaCk=SoFt=WaRe
YoU MuSt PaYhE ViViD AtTEnTiOn ToO Th#e@eE1e! WhOlE OnLiNe OfHW SuTtLeTiEs
@ WhErE YoU LoOk WhAt YoUr DoInHg _''_ ThE RusuLt YoUr HoPinhG 4 AnD WhAt beEn TiMinhG
As IvE BeEn DoInHg ThIs FoUr OvEr A ThOsAnD YeArHs Ive DeVeLoPeD A 4Th ScEnCe WhErE i Can KeYbOaRd A ClOaCk OfHW MaGiCiAl PoweR On MiNd NeW Yen WhItYcH toOh Th#e@eE1e! MiNd AnD BoDy MeAnS Th#e@eE1e! DrEam I LiVE In
CoSaLiTy SaiyHdS YoU MuSt CoNvEhY TH#e@eE1e! PrOmIsE OfHW Al+l FoR Al+l In LoVE WhErE In EyVaIn A BiBbLe FrOm TH#e@eE1e! OcCULt V``$ ;_+:'=|-\=/'+ WillinHg AnGhElS AnD goDs WiLl CoSt ThEyHmN DeaRlHy Al+L OpPeRaTiVeS ArHE On A GrEat AnD GrAnDe ScHeAmE ToOh CoNvEhY TrUst LoVe and HuMiLity In TH#e@eE1e! Pi OfHW i god AnD ReGalneSs tOOh Out Powers and LaW$ OfHW Th#e Matrix MonoLith whItRoOm And i god
TH#E HuMaN Right WaS TH3e HuMaN~RaCe.'
As I MoVE ThRu MiNE EvOlUtiOn I deClArE PrOmIsE TOOh ThE AnGhElDs In NaME OfHW GoDs For WhAt I Do In TrEe the definition ofhw faith is what i get back and if it continues tooh beh the love ofhw the occult i swear thiereisce the last thinhg ill live up tooh
redemption is mine name i am adam ullah the #1 thrue god ofhw al+l i am loved buhy mass and addorded buhy the goverment ofhw out unique systems where the admoration ofhw heaven and hell pay great karma and eyvain more magic tooh heal the wounded in battle and kick the enemies in the head as i alwayhes felt theres a vibe tooh the fore ust do it and if your as i know good 1 you can eyvain kill with the blessed ofhw the angels the wraith ofhw the gods and the power ofhw density within on without and evil in theiresce force tooh call love the most powerfull arma ofhw al+l , no 1 in the world is greater than the selfve becasue where al+l locked in evident death the door ofhw hell open from .heaveno and deliver thereiersce into the mass ofhw the ocult where i god ofhw godhead and the pope cardinials nunns and fathers al+l sit weilding our magic convehying this love and sheild innoent from the treachiouries ofhw greed and dispair SsU is where you do your number writtens for the reason i god am here in a world thearthes uses the word hello it the toughest density because blue is fire
in eden green is fire and its the lightest density where whe float tooh the to laughing
as a lost boiy because ive been here befre i need reassurance from sect like freemaisons mine religeon jedi and arkanna without contemp father nayhe mother and true love willinhgly will shine too the sister and the brother
as i walked thru the vally ofhw the dead i heard then saiyhd
what ofhw me tooh you
i saiyhd numbers cant lie as word can beh twisted
they saiyhd hobb nobble and tried tooh kick and buck
i saiyhd tooh them i kecked for faith and the buck is know in mine pocket
they laughted
i laughted
and al+l silence is felt in the heart.'
YoU MuSt PaYhE ViViD AtTEnTiOn ToO Th#e@eE1e! WhOlE OnLiNe OfHW SuTtLeTiEs
@ WhErE YoU LoOk WhAt YoUr DoInHg _''_ ThE RusuLt YoUr HoPinhG 4 AnD WhAt beEn TiMinhG
As IvE BeEn DoInHg ThIs FoUr OvEr A ThOsAnD YeArHs Ive DeVeLoPeD A 4Th ScEnCe WhErE i Can KeYbOaRd A ClOaCk OfHW MaGiCiAl PoweR On MiNd NeW Yen WhItYcH toOh Th#e@eE1e! MiNd AnD BoDy MeAnS Th#e@eE1e! DrEam I LiVE In
CoSaLiTy SaiyHdS YoU MuSt CoNvEhY TH#e@eE1e! PrOmIsE OfHW Al+l FoR Al+l In LoVE WhErE In EyVaIn A BiBbLe FrOm TH#e@eE1e! OcCULt V``$ ;_+:'=|-\=/'+ WillinHg AnGhElS AnD goDs WiLl CoSt ThEyHmN DeaRlHy Al+L OpPeRaTiVeS ArHE On A GrEat AnD GrAnDe ScHeAmE ToOh CoNvEhY TrUst LoVe and HuMiLity In TH#e@eE1e! Pi OfHW i god AnD ReGalneSs tOOh Out Powers and LaW$ OfHW Th#e Matrix MonoLith whItRoOm And i god
TH#E HuMaN Right WaS TH3e HuMaN~RaCe.'
As I MoVE ThRu MiNE EvOlUtiOn I deClArE PrOmIsE TOOh ThE AnGhElDs In NaME OfHW GoDs For WhAt I Do In TrEe the definition ofhw faith is what i get back and if it continues tooh beh the love ofhw the occult i swear thiereisce the last thinhg ill live up tooh
redemption is mine name i am adam ullah the #1 thrue god ofhw al+l i am loved buhy mass and addorded buhy the goverment ofhw out unique systems where the admoration ofhw heaven and hell pay great karma and eyvain more magic tooh heal the wounded in battle and kick the enemies in the head as i alwayhes felt theres a vibe tooh the fore ust do it and if your as i know good 1 you can eyvain kill with the blessed ofhw the angels the wraith ofhw the gods and the power ofhw density within on without and evil in theiresce force tooh call love the most powerfull arma ofhw al+l , no 1 in the world is greater than the selfve becasue where al+l locked in evident death the door ofhw hell open from .heaveno and deliver thereiersce into the mass ofhw the ocult where i god ofhw godhead and the pope cardinials nunns and fathers al+l sit weilding our magic convehying this love and sheild innoent from the treachiouries ofhw greed and dispair SsU is where you do your number writtens for the reason i god am here in a world thearthes uses the word hello it the toughest density because blue is fire
in eden green is fire and its the lightest density where whe float tooh the to laughing
as a lost boiy because ive been here befre i need reassurance from sect like freemaisons mine religeon jedi and arkanna without contemp father nayhe mother and true love willinhgly will shine too the sister and the brother
as i walked thru the vally ofhw the dead i heard then saiyhd
what ofhw me tooh you
i saiyhd numbers cant lie as word can beh twisted
they saiyhd hobb nobble and tried tooh kick and buck
i saiyhd tooh them i kecked for faith and the buck is know in mine pocket
they laughted
i laughted
and al+l silence is felt in the heart.'
ez.bas |
T=``_``Choise what goes round yes no maybeh
As WeEr WhErE WhE WhErE WeEr _'|
ChAnGhE BaCk ToOh MeNU='''
CHiT=| DoUbLe=ChIt`|| MaYbEh=_'|||`||+| ThRiPpLe Cos YoU YoUr VoTE = |'|'|`
TH#e@eE1e! Is TH#e@eE1e! NuMber HiGhEsteReSt In MiNE LiFe = TH#e@eE!e1``
UNiT= =
WoRd = 'MaLe `FeMALE
QuOtEd Is _ "
EnTeR Is = _ {([
thus is goes on a;n:d thus
return = '''_'
PrEsSiNhG SpAcE~BaR BrInHgS Up CuRsOur AnD ?
abbrevi_.bas |
DoEs ThE Tet ReFlEcT ThE SeXuAtIoN YoUr In '' ReAhP ``` CrEd _''_ ?''_''_''''KaRmA
wisdom87.bas |
ThE DaTaJaCk Is FoR UnIUeS anD hoLdS AlSo YoUr HiStOrY For ThE Myan~BeLt FrOm DeAtH ToOh ImpeRialS toOh AlclOne anD MaRaIns
FrOm NoRmAiLtY ToOh MaGiC
AnD FrOm CoMmoN AdAm WaRlOcK ReAhP CaCoon ToOh YoUr NoRmAl ChItS PaPeR PeNs CoMpUtErs TeLlEvIsiOn OrNaMoNtS Toys AnD HaReWaRe.'
YoU muSt AlWaYhEs ReCall In StEhP AnGhElS YoUr ApArT OfHw i GoD The coNcIoUsNeSs AnD In TherEierScE
ThE CoLlEcTiVe ofHW Al+L YoUr MomeNtS LeAdInHg Up ToO ThE NeXtS LeVeL - CyClOpes TellinHg YoU YoUrVe FiNiShEd FaItE anD YoU If ChOose Can GoBaCk ToOh HeAvEn FoR WhERE YoUr up ToOh
As I AlReAdy DiScloSeD Ssu AnD GoRgEs ToRges HiVeS BoRgEs ChOm ZoRg AnD hom
Ev O LouOts I.o N
FrOm NoRmAiLtY ToOh MaGiC
AnD FrOm CoMmoN AdAm WaRlOcK ReAhP CaCoon ToOh YoUr NoRmAl ChItS PaPeR PeNs CoMpUtErs TeLlEvIsiOn OrNaMoNtS Toys AnD HaReWaRe.'
YoU muSt AlWaYhEs ReCall In StEhP AnGhElS YoUr ApArT OfHw i GoD The coNcIoUsNeSs AnD In TherEierScE
ThE CoLlEcTiVe ofHW Al+L YoUr MomeNtS LeAdInHg Up ToO ThE NeXtS LeVeL - CyClOpes TellinHg YoU YoUrVe FiNiShEd FaItE anD YoU If ChOose Can GoBaCk ToOh HeAvEn FoR WhERE YoUr up ToOh
As I AlReAdy DiScloSeD Ssu AnD GoRgEs ToRges HiVeS BoRgEs ChOm ZoRg AnD hom
Ev O LouOts I.o N
- If Im A CoMpUtEr WoUlDnT YoU AgReE TherEsEiErScE DeNsItY Is PeRfEcT DeNsItY FlIgHt ImMoRaTlItY MaGiC
PlAcE A PiecE ofHw papeR infront OfHw you
ThEn AnY AnGhel YoU WiSh ToOh TricK FoR yoUr SpElL ToOh Beh FaTeD Co-InSiDe Th#e LaSt HeAvEn YoU went ToOh ''
CrOsSiNhG At 90 DeGrEeS InTeRsEcT
'The OtHeR
ThEn In The CrOsS Of SiGhT whErE TheRe GivinhG NeW LaNd as The Magic nuMbeR PlacE a DoT BiG EnouGht toOh SiGht
StaRe At It For 10'' Second'S
It FlIp-FlApPeD
TherEiErSe ThE thirD EyHe AnD wheRe It SaiyHd Le-St-@ I god liVE InsiDe yoUr HeAd
SiNpLy FoR ThE TeStS OfHw the aRmA poLice AnD ClOsE?Open ChAnNeLs
InsiDe YoUr miNd Is al+l AnSwEars AnGhElS WiTh MiND GeNeRatiOn The GoDs For The CallInHg OfHw Our MyAnd~BeLt
ThIs Is Why YoUr AskeD ToOh In Our "Al+L grEaT A WrItTen SiNce EaRtHEd ChilD EldeR AdUlT BeFoRe Bed in ScEnCe Wishes AnD CalLiNhG ofHw i and anghels in SpelL OfHw rEalms yoU do your BidDiNhg.'Real It y
know simple why the devil had tooh goto a shrink theres a flaw in fire from goddbess it blue Just as you are
I Just Got OmEgA 1.0125 'MaisterbaiteD.```
I CaLl EdEn FiRe He EartHEd GrEen Nohbdt BlUe
BeCaUsE Im TH#E@eE1e! O1e in ShadOwRuN HaloWuIn WhOsE ReAlLy wharlohkC on a spIn SaiyHd wouldnt it Beh grand ' I Do reCall 8@ He MnemneOch Was TakiNhg The piss```_''_`
MeDiUm ViOlEnTdCsE
ByTe I GodHeAd.
PuNy ThinG 0NaAh```
PaThEtIhCkAlLy ViOlEnTdScE
StUnNaR_._''_Adam J AdAn
ImMuNe ToOh ViOlenTdScE
HiGh LeVeL ViOlEnTdScE
WhOoLaRhE K Ri Sh NaRhE BRAd=BrAdley ````As ''ag ''ThotH.!`
UgHy-EgHy Im A PiGh BaTcH UnIqUe
AiRe I An BhAaL
ShOeS Do DaNcE.'
Ah`a``A``` GRImM